- A world-class stadium (football field 105x70m with natural surface, a tribune for 2500 spectators,
8 racetracks, a sector for jumping, javelin throwing, shot put);
- Football field with artificial turf 105x70m;
- Football training field with a natural coating 105x70m;
- 2 open pools with heated fresh water (“Olympic” - 50x25m, 10 tracks, a tribune for 670 seats;
“Training” - 50х21m, 8 lanes, a tribune for 260 seats);
Sport / Sport Complex
Built-up area - 65 881,2 sq.m.
Total area - 200000 sq.m.
Residential area - 15 535 sq.m.
Public area - 189 338 sq.m.
height - 100 m.